Westmo Bug Camp!
June 17-21, 2019
Intended for incoming Westminster freshman and
Intended for incoming Westminster freshman and
high school students who will be juniors or seniors
in the upcoming 2018-2019 school year.
Get outside. Explore. Learn something new.
WestMo Bug Camp is a 5-day (4-night) residential camp for high school students and incoming freshman. Students will have the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of insects, learn basic entomological techniques, all while learning fundamental biological concepts. The camp will be held at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, with daily travel to our field site at the beautiful property of Prairie Garden Trust near New Bloomsfield, Missouri (http://www.prairiegardentrust.org/). Enrollment is limited to 12 students. Participants will also receive an insect collecting kit, field guide, notebook, and a camp t-shirt. For more details on what to expect, a tentative itinerary, and safety concerns, please see here.
Explore the diverse world of insects. Learn how to study them and why they are fundamental to our understanding of the natural world.
Contact The Professor
Dr. Gabe McNett, Associate Professor of Biology westmobugs@westminster-mo.edu 573.592.5395